Games of Daze
Infomagic - Games of Daze (Summer 1995) (Disc 1 of 2).iso
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This is a simple demo of how to use VGL to create scrolling tile effects.
It loads a 320x200 "map" and allows you to pan around it using the arrow
keys. The map is stored as a GIF file. The map is lame. I tried, but I
just didn't have the time nor talent to create an "interesting" and detailed
map. Sorry...
Once you run this program you can use the arrow keys to scroll around. It
makes use of the VGLKEY.C module, so you can try holding down combinations
of keys to see it in action. The '+' and '-' keys will increase (double)
and decrease (half) the scrolling "speed". The speed is actually how many
pixels we scroll the tiles per frame. Pressing 'T' will toggle the display
of some text that shows the current X, Y, and Speed. Pressing 'C' will
toggle the cycling of part of the palette (the colors that the water tile
happens to use). Press ESCAPE to exit.
NOTE: Because displaying text is quite time-consuming, the FPS rate will
likely slow down quite a bit when the text flag is set. Play with
it a bit to see how it effects the FPS on your machine.
For the record, I get 70+ FPS on my 486DX/33 when no text is displayed.
I get around 45 FPS when the text is turned on. On my 486DX/50 I
get 70+ FPS either way.
Finally: this is a demo. It is not intended to demonstrate the best method
of doing a tile based game. It is simply meant to show *one* possible
method. I'm sure you'll think of others. Hopefully this'll get your
imagination going.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "keys.h"
#include "vgl.h"
#define MAPW 320 /* Width of the map in tiles */
#define MAPH 200 /* Height of the map in tiles */
#define MAXTILES 32 /* Max number of tiles allowed */
char far VS[64000]; /* Out virtual screen */
char far Tile[MAXTILES][256]; /* Array of tile bitmaps */
char far Map[MAPH][MAPW]; /* The map data */
char far Pal[768]; /* Our palette */
/* Black the palette */
/* Load in a font */
vglLoadFont( "fonts\\tuxedo.fon" );
/* Set text color to bright red */
vglTextColor( 12 );
/* Position the "cursor" */
vglGotoXY( 14, 110 );
/* Display a string */
vglPuts( "VGL Scrolling Demo" );
/* Fade in */
vglFadeIn( Pal );
/* Delay a bit */
sleep( 1 );
/* Fade out */
vglFadeOut( Pal );
/* Clear the screen */
vglClear( 0 );
/* Set text color to bright purple */
vglTextColor( 13 );
/* Position the "cursor" */
vglGotoXY( 38, 110 );
/* Display some text */
vglPuts( "By Mark Morley" );
/* Fade in */
vglFadeIn( Pal );
/* Delay a bit */
sleep( 1 );
/* Fade out */
vglFadeOut( Pal );
int cx, cy; /* Current X and Y position (tile) */
int ox, oy; /* Offset within the current tile */
int x, y; /* Used in for loops */
int key; /* To get keypresses */
int ok = 1; /* Loop until ok==0 */
int s = 2; /* Scroll speed (2 pixels per frame)*/
long t1, t2, n; /* For calculating FPS */
int text = 0; /* Text display flag */
int c = 0; /* Counter for cycling */
int cycle = 0; /* Cycle flag */
int i; /* Miscellaneous variable */
char buf[20]; /* For formatting text */
/* Enter mode 13h */
/* Load in the map data */
vglGif( "map.gif", (char far*) Map, 0, 0, 0 );
/* Load a couple tiles. You can load additonal tiles here. Color 0 in
the map represents tile number 0. Color 1 in the map represents tile
number 1, and so on. If you load, say, a brick wall in tile number 2,
then anywhere color 2 appears in the map you'll see a brick wall. */
vglGif( "water.gif", Tile[0], Pal, 0, 0 );
vglGif( "grass.gif", Tile[1], Pal, 0, 0 );
/* Display a little intro screen */
/* Load and set up the font characteristics */
vglLoadFont( "fonts\\comix.fon" );
vglShadowColor( 1 );
vglShadowOn( 1 );
vglTextColor( 15 );
/* Display the "game" screen directly to video memory */
vglGif( "scroll.gif", VIDMEM, 0, 0, 0 );
/* We'll start at the top left corner of the map */
cx = 0;
cy = 0;
ox = 0;
oy = 0;
/* Frame count starts at 0 */
n = 0;
/* We'll draw into our virtual screen */
vglBuffer( VS );
/* Display the initial tiles (only so there's something to fade in to) */
for( x = 0; x < 11; x++ )
for( y = 0; y < 11; y++ )
vglPut( (x << 4) + 15 - ox, (y << 4) + 15 - oy, 16, 16, Tile[Map[cy + y][cx + x]] );
vglCopyW( 16, 16, 160, 160 );
/* Fade in from black */
vglFadeIn( Pal );
/* Enable the trapping of keys */
t1 = time( 0 );
/* Loop until we're done */
while( ok )
/* Increment the frame count */
/* Update the real screen */
vglCopyW( 16, 16, 160, 160 );
/* Draw the tiles */
for( x = 0; x < 11; x++ )
for( y = 0; y < 11; y++ )
vglPut( (x << 4) + 15 - ox, (y << 4) + 15 - oy, 16, 16, Tile[Map[cy + y][cx + x]] );
/* If the text flag is set, display some coordinate info */
if( text )
sprintf( buf, "X=%d Y=%d S=%d", (cx << 4) + ox, (cy << 4) + oy, s );
vglGotoXY( 18, 25 );
vglPuts( buf );
/* If a key is hit, check it out */
if( kbhit() )
if( (key = getch()) == 0 )
key = 256 * getch();
switch( key )
case Escape : ok = 0;
case 't' :
case 'T' : text = 1 - text;
case 'c' :
case 'C' : cycle = 1 - cycle;
case '+' : if( s < 16 )
s <<= 1;
case '-' : if( s > 1 )
s >>= 1;
/* Check the arrow key status bytes and change the cx,cy and ox,oy
variables as appropriate */
if( vglKeyStatus[0] )
for( i = 0; i < s; i++ )
if( oy )
else if( cy )
oy = 15;
if( vglKeyStatus[1] )
for( i = 0; i < s; i++ )
if( oy < 15 )
else if( cy < MAPH - 11 )
oy = 0;
if( vglKeyStatus[2] )
for( i = 0; i < s; i++ )
if( ox )
else if( cx )
ox = 15;
if( vglKeyStatus[3] )
for( i = 0; i < s; i++ )
if( ox < 15 )
else if( cx < MAPW - 11 )
ox = 0;
/* If the cycle flag is set, cycle the palette */
if( cycle && ++c == 8 )
c = 0;
vglPartCycleR( 232, 8, &Pal[232 * 3] );
t2 = time( 0 );
/* Stop trapping the arrow keys */
/* Fade out to black */
vglFadeOut( Pal );
/* Return to text mode */
/* Display some stats */
printf( "%ld seconds, %ld frames (%ld FPS)\n", t2 - t1, n, n / (t2 - t1 ) );